_______________________________________ Our 2021-2022 Program Year begins on Wednesday, August 25. ______________________________________ Program Hours will be 8AM to 5PM for toddlers, preschool and pre-k classes. The program hours will be 7AM to 8:45AM for before school and 3:30PM to 5PM for After School. _______________________________________ “End of Summer Days” for our Before and After School Program will be 8/25 – 8/27 and 8/30 (8/30 to 9/1 for kindergarteners). These days are open to families who previously enrolled in these days. Our official start of the SAC year will be on 8/31, the first day of Portland Public Schools. _______________________________________
Category: Bulletin Board
_______________________________________ First Lutheran Day Camp and summer Toddler & Preschool/Pre-K programs are currently underway. ________________________________________ Summer Camp 2021 has limited openings for the weeks of July 12 thru August 2. _______________________________________ ALL programs will be CLOSED for our summer vacation from Monday, August 16 thru Tuesday, August 24. _______________________________________ Our 2021-2022 Program Year begins on Wednesday, August 25. _______________________________________ Our OPEN HOUSE for enrolled families will be in the afternoon on Monday, August 23. Details will be sent out in an email.
_______________________________________ We will be CLOSED on Monday, May 31 for Memorial Day. _______________________________________ Enrollment for our 2021-2022 Program Year is open. ________________________________________ Summer Camp 2021 Registration is open. Weeks 7 & 8 have limited openings. _______________________________________
_______________________________________ We will be CLOSED the week of April 19-23 for Spring Break. _______________________________________ Enrollment for our 2021-2022 Program Year is now open. ________________________________________ Summer Camp 2021 Registration is now open. _______________________________________
_______________________________________ We will be CLOSED for the week of April 19-23 for Spring Break. _______________________________________ Enrollment for our 2021-2022 Program Year is now open. ________________________________________ Summer Camp 2021 Registration is now open. _______________________________________
_______________________________________ On Friday, April 2 all our programs will be CLOSED for Good Friday. _______________________________________ We will be CLOSED for the week of April 19-23 for Spring Break. _______________________________________ 2021-2022 Enrollment for the General Public is now open. ________________________________________ Summer Camp 2021 Registration will begin on March 22 for current SAC & prior Summer Camp families. We will open registration to the general public on April 1. _______________________________________
_______________________________________ On Friday, March 12 all our programs will be CLOSED for our Staff In-Service Day. _______________________________________ 2021-2022 Open Enrollment for the General Public will begin on Monday, March 8 at 9:00AM. Email registration only. Please contact the program to get on our Interested Families list. ________________________________________
_______________________________________ On Monday, February 15 (Presidents’ Day), our Before and After School Program will be CLOSED. However, our Toddler, Preschool and Pre-K classes will be OPEN. _______________________________________ 2021-2022 Open Enrollment for the General Public will begin on Monday, March 8 at 9:00AM. Email registration only. Please contact the program to get on our Interested Families list. ________________________________________
_______________________________________ We will be CLOSED on Monday, February 15 in observation of Presidents’ Day. _______________________________________ 2021-2022 Open Enrollment for the General Public will begin on Monday, March 8 at 9:00AM. Email registration only. Please contact the program to get on our Interested Families list. ________________________________________
_______________________________________ We will be CLOSED on Monday, January 15 in observation of Presidents’ Day. _______________________________________ 2021-2022 Open Enrollment for the General Public will begin on Monday, March 8 at 9:00AM. Email registration only. Please contact the program to get on our Interested Families list. ________________________________________