% — All programs will be CLOSED on Wednesday, June 19 for Juneteenth. ############################ % Snowy Owl Graduation is Thursday, June 20. ############################ % — Summer Day Camp begins on Monday, June 24. We still have openings for weeks 1 thru 5. Weeks 6, 7 and 8 have a wait list. ############################ % — All programs will be CLOSED on Thursday, July 4 for Independence Day. ############################ %
Category: Bulletin Board
% — All programs will be CLOSED on Wednesday, June 19 for Juneteenth. ############################ % Snowy Owl Graduation is Thursday, June 20. ############################ % — Summer Day Camp begins on Monday, June 24. We still have openings for weeks 1 thru 5. Weeks 6, 7 and 8 have a wait list. ############################ % — All programs will be CLOSED on Wednesday, June 19 for Juneteenth. ############################ %
############################ % — Summer Day Camp weeks 6, 7 and 8 have a wait list. ############################ % — All programs will be CLOSED on Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day. ############################ %
############################ % — Summer Day Camp registration will begin in early March for families currently in our SAC program and those who attended camp in 2023. Registration for the general public will open in mid-March. ############################ % — All programs will be CLOSED on Friday, March 8 for our Staff In-Service Day. ############################ %
############################ % — All programs will be CLOSED on Monday, February 19 in observation of President’s Day. ############################ %
############################ % — All programs will be CLOSED on Thursday, November 23 and Friday, November 24 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. We will close early at NOON on Wednesday, November 22. ############################ %
############################ % — Please join us for Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 28 from 2PM to 4PM. ############################ % — All programs will be CLOSED on Friday, November 10 in observation of Veterans’ Day. ############################ % — All programs will be CLOSED on Thursday, November 23 and Friday, November 24 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. We will close early at NOON on Wednesday, November 22. ############################ %
############################ % — All programs will be CLOSED from Monday August 21 through Tuesday, August 29. We will re-open for our 2023-2024 Program year on Wednesday, August 30. ############################ % — First Lutheran Day Camp runs from Thursday, June 22 through Friday, August 14. ############################
############################ % — Dragonfly Pre-K Graduation is Tuesday, June 13 (rain date of Thursday, June 15). ############################ % — All programs will be CLOSED on Monday June 19 in observation of the Juneteenth holiday and on Tuesday, July 4 in observation of Independence Day. ############################ % — Our Before & After School will be open as usual for the last two days of Portland Public Schools on Tuesday, June 20 & Wednesday, June 21 (early release). ############################ % — Our Day Camp runs from Thursday, June 22 through Friday, August 14. ############################
############################ % — Dragonfly Pre-K Graduation is Tuesday, June 13 (rain date of Thursday, June 15). ############################ % — All programs will be CLOSED on Monday June 19 in observation of the Juneteenth holiday and on Tuesday, July 4 in observation of Independence Day. ############################ % — Our Before & After School will be open as usual for the last two days of Portland Public Schools on Tuesday, June 20 & Wednesday, June 21 (early release). ############################